
Conclusion and what to make of these Videos.

The purpose of this video classroom is not to spread fear among Connecticut Citizens but rather to give a clear sense of understanding on the factors beyond our control affecting our lives. I believe that knowledge is power, and having quality knowledge makes you better prepared to deal with many future economic and social scenarios.

Do not buy into the fact that you have no control over the future and what it brings, because you have control over yourself and you are part of the future. Many financial experts I have talked to are of the opinion, that citizens who have little debt, money savings in inflation proof investments, energy efficient lifestyles, ongoing accredited education, and some food growing knowledge, will be in the best position to battle any unfortunate economic circumstance.

The message of this website is, as the French put it "Toujours Pret!" , this means to be "Always Prepared" for what life will bring. Readiness can be the difference between success and failure and if we as a community pull together in securing our future it can mean a world of difference to every person we help beyond ourselves.

America is facing a major dilemma on three fronts, Under Education, Energy, and Poor U.S. Monetary policy. With nearly 65% of CT citizens stuck in a "microwage" economy, skyrocketing 9.5% year over year energy increases, the result is we are driving up the cost of everything. The Federal Reserve entrusted with the regulation of the value of the dollar has caused the aggregate "Inflation Tax" and a 40% decline in the value of the dollar; (as compared to most major currencies.) Most major Economists still are not certain this trend of the Fed's interest rate manipulation is actually going to work. The global picture is showing us that the U.S. Dollar is a liability in world currency markets. While many nations are intent on divesting from the U.S. Dollar none are so reckless as to cause a panic. The future of this nation is at the forefront of People and politicians who are intelligent nough to recognize and invest in a new future for America and Connecticut, everything must change. My campaign promises to work toward that goal... the goal of "Changing Everything."