
An incredibly popular video with millions of views challenging 911. (PG 13)

Direct Link:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E3oIbO0AWE


My Views on this video:

While I have no doubt that two jumbo jets crashed into the the towers in New York city, I do not believe that two passenger jets dropped three buildings at freefall speeds. National opinion has shown that the collapse of the towers is "Suspicious" I believe that the advanced placement of explosives in a controlled demolition destroyed the towers after the planes hit. To this day there is no comment on the 45 Degree cuts across the structural steel. There is also no official explanation of the traces of thermite found by independent engineers. Sept 11, in my view, is shrouded in too much secrecy and the "911 commission report" has more in common with "Project Blue Book" ...  Too many  people see it as not the entire truth including the principle architects of the twin towers .