Video Classroom Disclaimer:

The videos presented on this website were not filmed by authority of any member of my staff or campaign. These videos represent the views solely of the Directors and Editors who created them and may not be generally accepted views. These videos are selected by the Frank campaign and are offered only for informational and educational purposes to help you get informed. Robert Frank does not endorse or confirm the views presented in these videos but does offer them only for their probative value.

As an added feature at the end of each video the caption will switch off allowing you to see other similar videos in the Youtube library. The more you see the better. The first step in improving our State and  community is to have informed citizens. These videos are a call to you, share them with everyone you can. My personal comments are added below the video caption.


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           Candidates   Energy   Dollar Decline   9/11   Innovation   Health   Environment   Education    Tap Water   Conclusion